Gazprom JSC meeting
Representatives of LLC NPC VTD attended annual meeting "Results of gas transport companies to operate linear part of trunk gas pipelines and condensate pipelines of Gazprom JSC for 2020 and challenges for 2021. Positive Experience, Challenges" held in Sochi on May 18-21, 2021.
Maxim Shashkov, Deputy General Director - Head of branch LLC NPC VTD made a speech on "Results of works in in-line inspection for Gazprom JSC in 2020".
This speech contained results of in-line inspection of trunk pipelines in Gazprom JSC in 2020. Special attention was paid to issues of detecting dangerous pipeline defects and peculiarities of organizing work on diagnostics of complex sections, and company's new developments, which significantly expand informative value of technical inspection of pipelines, were also presented.